The Face Shop Face & It PP404

    Hey everyone! Recently I noticed that my Google account have some problems and I can't comment on other blogs :(

    Anyways today I'm back with this design using some of The Face Shop products: Face & It nail polish in PP 404 and Nail Stickers. I can say that both of the products are so nice and worth to try out them!

    Here is my FULL MANI 

    The Face Shop  



    the Face Shop 

    Also I took a picture of my NAKED NAILS. Plese, ignore that date, it's not right lol~ 

    My naked nails 

    And my very first toe nails picture. I made some design using orange and white nail polish also black nail art polish with a thin brush.

    toe nails

    Thats all for now :) 'till next time! Have a great time :D

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