Claire's MOOD "Excited/Bored"

    I was really excited about those color changing nail polishes, cause it sounds quite unique for me LOL~ And I bought this one a few months ago and finally had a chance to try it out.

    First of all it has very runny texture and I applied 3 coats to get this opaque looking layer. It dries to the matte finish, dries pretty fast. And I like this peachy/orange color. It suits my skin tone and looks adorable; LOL for praising myself ~

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    On the picture above this polish looks like as soon as applied to the nails.

    And on the picture below I already have tried to create gradient effect and it's the best what I could make with it. May be I have hand growing from the wrong place but this nail polish didn't worked for me!! When I put my nails in warm water it looked lighter but just for a few seconds and then was the same color again.

    Overall I'm very glad I bought only this one piece!

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    Since I liked the color I added orange striping tape on my nails to make it look more interesting. 

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    And this striping tape lost the color after 30 mins. What a crappy mani day!!

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    Do U have any MOOD polishes? How do U like them? Is it works for U?

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